
The subject “Sustainability” targeted by the sister group Leitz, Boehlerit and Bilz

Long-term thinking and sustainable action as a corporate strategy

The global WeCare initiative combines the Group's worldwide activities, some of which have existed for decades, in the areas of society, social affairs and culture, as well as the protection of species, nature and the environment. The WeCare concept places particular emphasis on combining the strengths and commitment of all participating companies and employees in order to achieve the best possible result in terms of sustainability. This means that smaller or local campaigns in particular receive optimum support, as the regional roots are close to the heart of this fourth and fifth generation global family business

In order to make the momentum of WeCare and the team spirit tangible, the first WeCare campaign weeks were held in 2022 at all locations of the groups worldwide. Through the cooperation of the employees and the financial support of the individual local companies, another positive sign of social responsibility was thus set. 

From April 15th to 30th, 2023, the second WeCare campaign weeks of the three corporate groups will take place around the world.

The success story of the first WeCare campaign weeks

The focus of the WeCare projects:

Social and humanitarian engagement

  • Collecting and donating
  • Support of social institutions
  • Save lives
  • Maintenance and signposting of trails

Species, nature and the environmental protection

  • Reforestation and creating flower areas
  • CO2-avoidance
  • Cleaning the environment and waters
  • Giving animals and insects a home


Stay informed - follow all WeCare campaigns on our social
media channels
or on #LeitzGroupWeCare!



Sister companies

WeCare campaigns are carried out across the group in all
sister companies. If you would like to find out more about
the activities of the companies Leitz and Boehlerit, please
visit their websites and social media channels.